Be a Sales Expert – This Article Will Help You Improve Your Sales Skills

The selling process is more or less the same whether you are selling a product or service online or offline. When I started in the sales industry a long time ago, I found it difficult to sell. It was difficult because the more I didn’t get a sale, the more “aggressive” I became; I was too hungry for a sale.

Eventually I learned to break the cycle. They told me that my techniques would only scare off customers. The best sales tip I was ever taught was to relax. When a closer is relaxed, customers “feed on you” through their body language, which has the same effect on the customer.

My goal is to bring you many sales tips that I learned. I hope to encourage you by providing you with new sales material to improve your sales techniques.

The sales process, something is missing!

Every sales job has a sales process, that’s how it is.

  • Step 1 – Product Knowledge

  • Step 2 – Prospecting

  • Step 3 – The approach

  • Step 4: the needs assessment

  • Step 5 – The Presentation

  • Step 6: Close the sale

  • Step 7 – Follow up

I would say there is another step before step 2. The most important part of any business is: product belief. To successfully get to closing is to believe in what you are selling. Believing in the product is the most important aspect of business survival. It also brings job satisfaction that trickles down to your customer.


  1. Do you use all the steps above?

  2. Do you know that many companies lose because they forget step 7: follow up?

The follow up procedure is the single best thing you can do to get repeat customers and it is a fact that it alone can potentially double your sales! There are so many companies that focus on attracting new business instead of focusing on the customers they already have. Pay attention to them before they go elsewhere. You can retain your customers by sending them offers, phone calls, cards and gifts.

Improve your sales skills

To be a sales expert, learning doesn’t end when you finish the job. Becoming a master at anything requires 10,000 hours of your time. Let’s say 8 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can be a sales expert in 3 years! Of course, no one works 7 days a week, so my point is, don’t give up.

Life is full of learning curves and obstacles. Another thing to keep in mind is how you behave. It’s a fact that 70% of your communication is through your body language, so it’s probably good advice not to bring your problems to your sales.

Refine your sales questions

Sales techniques take time to perfect. I have written a series of sales quotes for you from opening the sale, data about the sale and closing the sale. So if you are wondering how to increase sales, write down the following quotes as they may be helpful.

It’s not what you say but how you say it. It’s all about emphasizing the words you use. Words can be expressed and altered approximately 7 times through tone and meaning. Words are powerful, so watch how you use them.

Get the “but” out of your mouth Don’t follow a sentence with a purpose. It makes people think negatively.

Body language says 70% of what you are trying to communicate That is a fact.

If I could, would you? If you could provide (benefit) would you buy (?)

Decisions almost always have an emotional basis. Factors such as needs versus wants whether the product or service has value.

Paint pictures, lots of them! You can imagine it? Can you see yourself doing it?

Stories / Testimonials from third parties. This helps build trust. People listen more when there is a story attached.

Add more value than what you are paying in cost. Give them a reason to say “wow.”

If you can’t handle rejection, then give up selling. (Nothing personal) If you accept rejection easily, this industry will be difficult for you. I worked in an industry where I was getting “no” 99 times out of 100 pitches.

objections – Are they real or just an excuse?

Receive inquiries with “open arms”. All questions are valid, even if you have to repeat yourself!

Never show offense to the line of questioning of prospects.. Their goal is to build trust and create a positive atmosphere.

Learn to use more open questions – Who, what, when, where, how.

Become a Master of Objection Handling – Layer of excuses with “why”.

Make your product sound special, exclusive and limited, it’s not for everyone. – The sale to go.

How to increase sales

I hope the questions and ideas above can help you maximize your chances of getting a sale, but there is another method of handling objections.

Take a sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half, lengthwise. On one side write “objections” and on the other side write “reactions” or why they should buy your product/service. Your goal is to write three responses to all objections. This should allow you to think “outside the box” when you come face to face with a client.

Handling objections is the most important skill to learn, apply this sales skill below, which cuts through “no’s” like butter. Reason enough why they should buy from you.

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