baking homemade bread

What about that smell of freshly baked bread? Does it smell good or what? It takes you back to Grandma’s house when we were young. She always cooked her own bread. It was always fresh and hot when we visited. And that kitchen was filled with that delicious smell. You don’t see it that much anymore. We are too busy to bake bread. It takes a bit of work, not that they had options in the old days. Now we just go to the local bakery or supermarket and grab a loaf from the shelf. But it’s real bread. Is it something like the real bread they used to make in the old days with their homemade bread?

Children these days will only eat that hideous white thing they call bread. Sorry if you like white bread but it leaves a lot to be desired. Take a couple of slices of fresh white bread and squeeze them in your hand. What do you get. A ball of dough. Heavy dough, soggy and wet. You know what happens when you eat those things. They estimate that white bread takes about three days to pass through the digestive system. It’s three days that the dumpling is inside you causing God knows what. They think that maybe it could be one of the causes of bowel cancer later in life.

Still, that’s what the kids want and that’s what they get. Too bad kids are like that. My children used to eat my homemade healthy bread that I used to bake in our wood oven. It had all kinds of grains and bran. My kids can still remember sitting down at school to one of my fat healthy sandwiches for lunch. Still, it was always hard work making bread. I used to make 6 loaves at a time about twice a week. One plus though was some Sundays. When it was our turn to invite someone over for Sunday lunch, we’d leave a big pot of homemade vegetable soup simmering on the stove all morning. When we would get home from church, I would make a batch of my fresh homemade muffins. Sunday lunch was always a hit.

Today we are lucky. We can go back to the days of good homemade bread. Healthy bread made with healthy ingredients. The new wave of bread makers is here and it makes the whole process a breeze. Fully programmable and automatic, you can have hot, fresh bread ready whenever you want it. Do you want to wake up with fresh bread on Sunday morning? Want to have fresh, hot dinner rolls ready for your guests? How about Cinnamon Raisin Bread or Wheat Honey, Rosemary, Cranberry Oatmeal, Hearty Rye, Cheesy Onion Focaccia, Classic French Toast or any other recipe you fancy.

Can you see the benefit? Find a healthy bread that you love and enjoy with your family. You will love serving something healthy and they will love you for it. Take a look at a new bread maker now and you can be baking bread at home. There are many bakeries. Check store ratings. Check customer reviews. As long as you can find 4/5 stars and many satisfied customers, you’re on the right track. But most of all, get your family to eat healthy bread and ban those horrible commercial white things.

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