Bail! Toxic shellfish warning in place

I hate to crash the party.

But I’ll tell you so you know

This is not the time to dabble

Toxic shellfish warning in place

Yeah I know it ain’t right

And I know that seafood has always

has been your favorite food

But isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?

Somebody told me that little Johnny Brown

was found less than a mile from the city

Close to Spider Cove and Kittery Bay

The squids got him

He had squids hanging from his ears.

And octopuses on her face

And did you hear about Katie Sperry?

They found her near the Winston Ferry.

They said the minnows got her this time

Yes, they were a cranky school of fish.

But I don’t want to scare you

you know i never did

But I want you to think twice

Picking up his fork and spoon

it shouldn’t be so easy anymore

Fresh fish seems to be the answer.

And you can buy them within walking distance of the pike

Heard old man Jefferson’s got a whole shipment of fresh caviar.

it’s the orange type

They’re the ones you like to spread on your buttermilk toast.

So don’t hang your head and moan

Of course everything could be better.

But sometimes patience is a virtue.

And you know there are still plenty of healthy fish swimming around

in the Ivory Sea

Also, counting your blessings is never a good thing to do.

It is a bad omen and this would not be a positive sign for you.

It would certainly be better for you to take a cautious path.

Just remember that greedy scallops can be found almost everywhere.

In fact, just a month ago, Susie Hyde found one sleeping in her lap.

But good news has been reported almost every day.

A small batch of crayfish have reportedly been caught

with their antennae down

Vital information was obtained and some scientists

believes that in a few months it may no longer be dangerous

go swimming after dark

So polish your wetsuit if you must

but keep your swimsuit handy

It will still be useful to go to the chapel.

But keep your mind clear

I believe that with the continued development

doomsday will be a moment of tremendous pleasure

The red tide will begin to have a domino effect

And in his wake, everyone will say a prayer, sing a melody,

and start listening to the songs of Brian Wilson

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