9 excellent home remedies to treat bad breath

Halitosis in most of us occurs because microorganisms live, grow, reproduce, die, and break down in our mouths. But there are also other reasons why bad breath occurs. Gum disease and rotten teeth are major factors for many people. Digestive problems or throat infection could also contribute to the situation.

This problem is centuries old, with its frustration exacerbated by so many commercial products that don’t work! As a result, bad breath sufferers are becoming more open to the idea of ​​finding one or two effective and natural home remedies to overcome bad breath.

Remedy #1: Obviously, daily dental hygiene (or even every meal) is the most obvious of all. By not letting food scraps hide in our mouths, we can stop the bacterial life cycle that promotes bad breath.

Remedy #2: On the other hand, halitosis sometimes responds favorably to certain specific dietary strategies. Several people encourage patients to chew mint leaves to improve mouth odor. It is recommended to eat a few sunflower seeds after a meal, as well as drink 6 to 8 ounces of water.

Remedy #3: Then there is the parsley: Have you ever wondered why restaurant meals often include something with their food service? In the past, it was brought out at the end of a meal, in an individual bowl, so people could use it to freshen their breath. Now we put it on top of the main dish, or to the side, but the parsley is still there for the same purpose it has always been served for.

Remedy #4: Parsley and mint are effective options, but there are other herbs that help as well. Some ex-sufferers use chewing whole cloves: one each day after eating. They say it’s a great help to beat bad breath.

Remedy #5: Also, various food options will help with bad breath. Gargling several times a day with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon works very well. Drinking a cup of warm, unsweetened green tea will help relieve halitosis. Another effective natural remedy for halitosis is tea made from fenugreek seeds. And some people suggest that pineapple juice does a good job of quelling unpleasant mouth odor.

Remedy #6: That apple every day (in addition to keeping the doctor away), it will be great for purifying your mouth, eliminating microbial activity. For an effective breath sweetener, chew cardamom seeds, as they have a very fragrant and lingering aftertaste.

Remedy #7: A few items outside of the food category can help beat bad breath. We’ve all seen the ads where manufacturers try to promote us to buy their toothpaste that contains baking soda. What they don’t tell you is this: A simple gargle of water and baking soda will probably work just as efficiently (or perhaps more, due to the increased concentration of baking soda).

Remedy #8: Opting for zinc-rich foods also helps control the levels of bacteria in a person’s mouth.

Remedy #9: Hydrogen peroxide works very well to clean the tongue.while hunting and killing those unwanted “little beasts”.

Obviously we see a wide variety of home remedies for bad breath. But really, none of them can serve as a substitute for simply keeping our teeth, gums, and tongue clean. If you suspect that you are not managing this effectively, visit an oral health professional for advice and guidance. He/she should be able to help you with strategies to beat her halitosis.

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