Category: Gaming

A clean laptop is a green laptop

Gartner estimated that the total number of laptops sold globally in 2011 was around 60 million. The figure is growing at around 15% on average per year. There is a Read more

Ghana Life: Pride in bricks and mortar

In Ghana it seems that most people aspire to own their own home and many start by buying land and undertaking what they call a construction project. Actual construction takes Read more

The God Complex in Therapy-Counseling

Summary: What does your patient (client) expect of you? Your life is turbulent, problems ascend from the sky and land squarely at your feet and you need answers. The danger Read more

Laptop screen repair guide

As we all know, accidents happen. Unfortunately, sometimes such accidents happen to our beloved computers or laptops. Most commonly, laptops have something dropped on them that breaks the laptop’s screen. Read more