Red nose? listen to what it’s telling you

Paying a little more attention to your nose can help you stay healthy.

Having a red nose can be extremely annoying as it can be very difficult to hide.

Affecting both men and women alike, a really red nose can cause depression and isolation, often due to careless comments from other people. A red nose can have a variety of causes, so it’s wise to avoid generalizations.

Below I have listed some of the main reasons for a red nose and what your nose may be trying to tell you.


This condition manifests itself when the blood vessels in the nose are too close to the surface. People who suffer from rosacea may also have redness in other facial areas. Often found in conjunction with a form of acne, the nose can become pustules when inflamed.

The inflammation can flare up without warning. However, it can be triggered by stress, emotions, allergies to soap, or a reaction to certain spicy foods. Treatment is usually with antibiotics, by mouth and/or cream, although some now say that laser treatment can cure it.

However, research is needed if the patient is considering laser treatment, as results are sometimes minimal or non-existent.

Special coverage makeup slightly tinted green can be applied as a base and this can mask the condition, but ordinary makeup does not provide enough coverage and can aggravate the condition. Cleaning with a non-scented, hypoallergenic soap or plain cream instead of regular soap is often helpful.


Over consumption of alcohol can cause the proverbial ‘drinkers nose’. This is a clear warning to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink.


This natural occurrence in a woman’s body can cause hot flashes that can manifest as flushing of the face, including the nose. This usually goes away with time and/or hormone replacement therapy.

emotional upset

The emotions we feel can affect us in different ways. Unexpressed anger or emotional upset can cause the nose to become red. Some people find that anxiety, fear, or nervousness also have this effect. Effective hypnotherapy can really help if you are experiencing any of these issues.

Rhinophyma or bulbous nose

Rhinophyma is medically known as phymatous rosacea. This condition causes the nose to take on a bulbous shape. The skin texture often looks coarse and patchy. The nose usually has a reddish appearance, although parts of it may appear waxy and yellowish. Men tend to be more affected than women. Rhinophyma is thought to be related to rosacea.

Sun tanning

A much simpler, short-term reason for a red nose can be sunburn. Sunscreen creams are available made especially for the nose. Children may like to have the ones that come in various colors.


Colds and the flu often make the nose red. This is usually due to inflammation that occurs inside the nasal passages and from constant blowing and rubbing of the nose.

Hay fever

Allergic reactions to certain foods or medications can cause a red nose. If this is the case, see your doctor who may be able to help.


Some thyroid conditions can lead to a red nose. If you have concerns about your thyroid function and you also have a red nose, it might be worth mentioning this to your doctor.


Smoking can cause the blood vessels in the nose to react and thus become red. This is yet another reason to become a non-smoker. Again, a good hypnotherapy can be of great help here.

Be sure to visit your doctor or medical adviser if you have a red nose that persists for a long period of time.

Listen to what your nose is telling you and you will enjoy true health throughout your life’s journey.

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