Premature Cumshot – Blame The Caveman

When I started my research for this article, I started off in a completely different direction. I had intended to look at premature ejaculation from a woman’s perspective, but was derailed by what many sources point to as one of the many reasons men suffer from premature ejaculation: sexual behaviors during adolescence. Now everything makes sense. These sources suggest that premature ejaculation is treatable and, better yet, easier to overcome than you think. I found tips and techniques that really made sense; I found others that involved highly technical equipment that sometimes made me feel like I was building an explosive device. Don’t ask… I don’t want to talk about it.

But going back to adolescence; it makes sense that many of the personal issues we deal with later in life, especially sexual issues, are shaped by experiences and risks we had and took for our own survival as teenagers. A machine full of testosterone with no way to explode can get pretty nifty. How else can you lock yourself in the bathroom, turn on the water and radio, masturbate, unplug the toilet, clean, spray down the air filter, and be out the door in two minutes or less? And I’m sure we learned it from our primate ancestors; back then you had to be fast or be eaten by dinosaurs or huge flying insects.

So whether you’re taking quickies to avoid being eaten by hungry monsters or masturbating to release some energy and need to finish before they catch you, it’s obvious that we have the ability to reprogram ourselves and change certain behaviors. Learn a few new techniques, put them into practice, and in time you’ll be ready to go. But does it really work like that? I think it does for a lot of men; Most men can greatly improve their sexual performance by applying some sexual techniques and getting to know their bodies better. Parents can play a very important role in allowing privacy and perhaps incorporating age-appropriate sexual conversations with their children as they grow and mature.

Guys, it is very likely that you can overcome premature ejaculation. Let me let you in on a secret to get you started spending more time in bed: Surveys reveal that women prefer you to have them over the real thing. Use it to your advantage and spend a good 10-15 minutes on foreplay.

Remember that practice makes perfect and that you will be practicing something fantastic with someone you enjoy. Let me share with you some of the material that I found and tested. You can start by subscribing to my FREE newsletter. The first 14 emails are packed with tips and techniques that, used alone or in combination, will add 15 or more minutes to your performance in the bedroom. What I like most about this e-course is that you can start working on stopping premature ejaculation tonight.

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