How good is it to remember tragic events?

The last two weeks have seen film after film about the death of Princess Diana and the Thredbo landslide in New South Wales. Both of these events happened 20 years ago and as I watched the anniversary services and other things, it crossed my mind why do we replay these events? The first Australian people have a policy that when someone dies, their image should never be shown. Isn’t it hard to understand why?

Many have disappeared from my life over the years, and possibly as a result of all the repetitions of these death scenes, many of them are coming back fresh to my mind. It became very somber to look back and tie myself to the mood of the moments when they were gone. As we say in the West, “life goes on,” but these repeated reminders of how some lives end don’t help.

The world remembers each year of wars, devastating battles, natural disasters and terrorist events, such as 9/11 in the US We are not allowed to forget and move on as each of these takes us back in time. Surely we know in our hearts how these things affected us, so do we really need constant reminders of them?

From my memory of reincarnation and link with the Spirit of the Universe I know that we have all returned to life after death. This is mentioned in the Bible (Job 5:19-21), but few pay attention to it. It also says there that we will all be back in our bodies for the last days (Isaiah 26:19). That means that death should be celebrated and not mourned.

The end is fast approaching and the massive increase in population speaks to the truth of these words, as those who have passed away are being reunited with the living. The Spirit has used death to send his people around the world and is now gathering them back into their own space (ibid 42: 16-18).

Religions do not know how the Spirit works and are responsible for anniversaries and rituals that claim to benefit the dead. Now, however, many are waking up to the lies and equally know that heaven and hell are tricks to deceive the masses.

With that in mind, it’s crazy to remember the dead because we may soon be nursing them like babies. Many have given evidence of past lives and have led researchers to the place where they died. Some have even solved his murder, while others have met parents whose children died young.

Dr. Ian Stevenson spent 40 years researching reincarnation stories and created many videos of the evidence he gathered. The question is why are we so caught up in the past when the future is right in front of us? Why be so interested in death that we cannot see the life and promises of God, the real one?

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